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Five Resons to Not to Miss Abu Dhabi Desert Safari

Hello everyone, All of us knows well that desert safari comes as best activity to do when in Abu Dhabi. and today we are here to enhance this info and let you know why you should not miss desert safari in Abu Dhabi ?!

1. We all are used to live in urban where easy transportation, silk roads and various shops to provide all we may need. But in same time we suffer so much from noise, pollution, car exhausts and rush way of life.
So changing this atmosphere for short time becomes a perfect idea. Specially when you go so far away in the heart of desert trying the BBQ food, camel rides and even sleeping under sky directly if you intend to camp. totally different and unique experience !

2. Meeting new creatures!
Tourism and travel are always about meeting new people, but in safari you will get a unique opportunity to meet new creatures as well, camels, falcons and reptiles will be there to welcome you!
In our Abu Dhabi desert safari you will have a chance to watch marvelous falcon show and also to ride a camel on your own, So are you ready ?!

3. Quilting the sky!
If you have plans to camp in desert, it will be really so great experience, laying on sand and your quilt is a pure sky, Just imagine!

4. A moon in city is hardly seen, but in desert it is different! Yes in desert you will get a perfect chance to watch out the stars so much clear and big. pureness of  the sky can not be replaced!

5. Romantic people are invited !
You are invited if you are a gentle romantic man, or fair romantic lady, honeymooners, or newly married. Briefly it is related to love and retrieving the frank true feelings of loving which we always miss within our rush life!

These reasons are ours for a nice soiree at Abu Dhabi Desert Safari what about yours then ?! Let us know!

This content is copy righted for Abu Dhabi Sightseeing

Meet our tour consultants and join our live tell online event to learn in depth about our desert safari packages and why not to miss within your journey to Abu Dhabi town.


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